New Years Eve


December 31, 2015

2015 will always have a special place in my heart. there was lots happening this year with wedding planning and all the events leading up to the wedding. there were stressful times, excitement and feelings of being overjoyed. it seems crazy that another year has come to an end, but it sure was a memorable one. i’ll never forget 2015. here’s some of the highlights from the past year:

we rung in the new year in bali, indonesia.

adam and i went to indonesia for three weeks at the end of last year. it was definitely a trip we’ll remember, with crazy day-long train and bus rides where we thought we were going to die, sketchy hotels, delicious food, amazing views and resorts and monkeys playing on the roof of our hotel. it was fun, but there is definitely nothing like being home for the holidays.


revolver cafe, seminyak, indonesia


elephant caves, ubud, indonesia


ringing in the new year on the beach in seminyak, indonesia with approx. 20,000 other people. it was insane and crazy and amazing

I ran my first sun run! my sister in-laws and I ran the sun run together. I feel that i’m more of a vancouverite now that i’ve checked that one off the list. 


I had the most amazing bachelorette weekend! It seems like so long ago now – it was so much fun and so much effort and thought was put into it by my bridesmaids.


and had tons of adventures with this guy.


and of course, we got married.


alicia adam christmas card

it was the most amazing, wonderful, unforgettable day of my life. i’ll share some more about it in the new year!

Wishing you all the best in 2016!

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