
gluten-free jam & almond thumbprints

March 20, 2015



today is the first day of spring! while its raining outside, we’ve been pretty lucky to have an incredibly warm february and march so far. its also the last weekend of spring break – which is bittersweet. our school district had a super early spring break this year. i had tons of plans for spring break, but i feel like i got only half the amount of things done – though i’m sure adam would say otherwise. i am notorious for over-planning and wanting to get a lot done in a short time. however, after two weeks off i’m still so surprised at how much more i would like to do! 

among other things, the spring break checklist included painting (which i got about half the living room done, adam hates painting), wedding meetings (got our gift registry done!), wedding invitations (just picked them up from the printers!!!!!) and a bridesmaid get together that was tons of fun. now i just have to print off 95 addressed envelopes and stuff them!

i also decided now would be as good a time as any to start yoga. i had wanted to join a while ago, but most classes are during the day when im at work – and i tutor after work three days a week. so with two weeks off i joined a studio just up the street and scheduled all morning classes. it was awesome to wake up and go to a class, starting off the day with a limber stretched-out feeling. im definitely going to miss the morning stretch session, but i’ll hopefuly continue with some night classes when i start work again next week. i bought an unlimited month membership so I’m hoping to keep it up. it’s amazing how much you can notice after even only a few classes how much looser you feel, even while running i can feel it. do you do yoga?? what’s your favourite type? already i can tell i have a few favourite teachers.


i’m hoping spring weather is just around the corner and that more sun is in the future. while you wait, you can bake these sunny jamp thumbprints – made gluten free (use gluten-free oats) with almond flour for a buttery nest full of all natural jam of your favourite flavour. 


gluten-free jam & almond thumbprints
gluten-free shortbread-like cookies with a nest of your favourite jam in the center.
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  1. 1 cup almond flour / meal
  2. 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
  3. 1/2 tbsp corn starch
  4. 1 tsp baking powder
  5. 5 tbsp butter, room temperature or coconut oil
  6. 1 egg
  7. 1/2 tbs. almond milk.
  8. 1/4 cup sliced almonds
  9. Raspberry Jam or other favourite Jam
  1. Set the oven to 350°F
  2. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  3. In a high-speed mixer/food processor blend together the oats and almond meal/flour until you have a coarse flour.
  4. Add the rest of the dry ingredients to oat flour and mix to combine.
  5. Add the butter, almond milk and egg to the blender/food processor.
  6. Mix until the dough comes together.
  7. Scoop out about 15 portions of the dough using cookie-scoop/spoon and roll them between your hands into balls.
  8. Roll into the sliced almonds, and flatten slightly with your hand. Press thump in centre to create 'nest' for the jam.
  9. Place them on the baking sheet. Fill the center with 1-2 teaspoons of jam.
  10. Bake for 12-14 minutes.
  11. Let cool slightly before moving them to a wire rack.
b a k e a h o l i c



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1 Comment

  • Reply Aunt Weeze March 22, 2015 at 1:40 PM

    Hi Lou, I was glad to see that you put down “painting” on your school break. You are your Mother’s daughter! Your Mom was “Always” painting on her time off from work! Hard worker your Mom. I have ran out of milk so today I am making mac n cheese with “coconut milk” I also have part of a Yam that I roasted so I will add it to the coconut milk:) I think I have been watching too much “chopped Canada” with the mystery baskets:) Hugs Aunt Weeze

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