
Check It Out

September 13, 2011

Well this was the first ‘real’ school week. Classes have officially started, and homework is already piling up. Although, the extremely hot weather we have been having here in Vancouver would tell you otherwise! I cannot remember a September this hot ever.  In fact, it apparently broke lots of records for heat in the month of September! I guess we were due for some sun since our summer was less than stellar.

My school is atop a mountain, and therefore is quite daunting and gloomy in the winter. Some say it is depressing. And it is. How could it not be, when your stuck inside rather large (huge) concrete campus buildings, on a mountain, in the haze and fog, and, most often rain. I have to take two sky trains, and then a bus up the hill to get to school. In the winter, if it snows heavily, no one can go up or down to the campus. People have been stuck up there it was so dangerous. Last winter my friends were up there for three hours before a bus was able to go up and bring students down. It’s safe to say we get more than a few snow days each year.

So, this week it was a nice welcome back with the sun gleeming off of the sombre grey concrete buildings. Students took every advantage of being outside this week, laying on the man made grassy step pyramid in the middle of the AQ (Academic Quadrangle) and laying near the pond.

In the winter and colder months I don’t stay at the campus longer than I need to usually. I go to class, and come home most days without dawdling. This semester however I have a few breaks for one or two hours between classes, so I’m stuck. It was nice to be able to soak up the sun in between English and History classes. Also to eat some lunch. I munched this chicken wrap from Nesters grocery store for lunch, it was two of those. It was really good! But filling. I think I’ve gotten used to eating with Adam, where he finishes whatever I cannot. And usually it’s about half. He can’t get over how I don’t finish meals. I just get full so quickly that I can’t eat it all. Lucky for him 😉

This is also the first time that I’ve taken advantage of the library at my school. I did take out a book in the Summer semester, that was mandatory for an assignment, but otherwise I can honestly say in the four years of school I have not checked out library books. Crazy right?? Especially for an English Major! However, with the wonderful world of web I am able to access almost 100% of articles, books, magazines, journals etc. online through the schools library database. I’ve gotten pretty fed up with paying ridiculous amounts of money on text books that cannot be bought back, and other students don’t want them after, and I really honestly don’t use most of the time. So, I’ve learned now to request books for class through our library to check out for the entire semester instead of buying them. In English, we mostly read novels for classes and other literature so it is easy to grab one of many copies on hand. They are usually available online for free as well, but I am on the computer so much that I can’t take staring at a screen any longer, especially to read an entire novel.

Speaking of Libraries, the brand-spanking new City Centre Library opened its doors last week! It is ultra sleek and modern. Adam and I scoped it out when it had it’s soft open. Having just moved in with Adam this last year, I wasn’t a member of the library out here. So I got a new library card, and Adam found out that his existing account had an overdue amount of $5. Since 1999. 12 years! Haha good thing they don’t charge late fees! He would have been fifteen haha.

The library worker said the government never forgets. I guess not! lol. So he paid his fees, and I took out some cookbooks! I’ve never though about taking out cookbooks from the library. But, what a great thing to do! I don’t have excess amount of money to spend on a ton of new cookbooks, though I would like to. So this way, I can take out a bunch of books (up to 50! at a time!!) and peruse them to see if I like them or not. If I did really like one, I could buy it myself afterwards. Or, if nothing catches my eye then I don’t have to worry about spending the money on a book I won’t be using.

photos of the library from their flickr site here

These are a few that I saw, and that I had been wanting to look at for a while. I can’t wait to return them and take out more!

Giada’s book, of course I had to get an Italian one. It has simple easy recipes with beautiful photography.

Jamie’s quick and easy to follow recipes are great. This man is awesome. The photo’s of both him and the food are eye catching. With complete meals, entree, sides and dessert for each section. No need for guess work.

I’ve been trying some new raw and vegan recipes lately, and have been waiting to look through this book for a while! It’s very in depth, with lots of directions and background information to ease you into the raw food lifestyle.

The desserts look mouthwatering!

As does the food presentation.

Of course, who hasn’t heard of the babycakes bakery in New York. I couldn’t help but check out these two books.

They also have helpful notes such as how to frost a cupcake. And they include a directory and apendix in the back as to where you can find the ingredients they actually use in the bakery themselves.

I have a thing about donuts lately!

Lainey wasn’t interested in the books. Only napping in our hot apartment.


She is rather cute. The new library would also a great place to study. It looks comfy, and quiet.



So, do you go to the library in your town? Do you have a library card?? If you do go, would you take out cookbooks? Did you ever think about taking out cookbooks?? I know I’ll be going more often now!






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  • Reply Danielle September 15, 2011 at 9:41 AM

    My brother goes to SFU. Chad went there as well. The mountain is literally in my back yard so even though I never went I have a strange love for it. Sometimes we just go up there to hang out. I kind of wish I had gone to SFU now haha!

    During that giant snow storm we had my brother was stuck on the mountain and my parents thought it would be a good idea to go up and get him. Yea, bad idea. They were gone for 2 hours and it was a nightmare.

    I saw the new Surrey Library on the news and it looks amazing! Though I am never in that neighborhood I do want to go and check it out. It’s been so long since I’ve been to a library! I love books but I love buying them. I kind of want to have a library of my own! My number one obsessed is of course Cookbooks. I have so many but I love each and every one. But it would be a smart idea to borrow a cookbook from the library and ‘test it out’ before buying it myself. Don’t know why I never thought to check the library for cookbooks?

    My library card is so old I should probably make sure it still works!

  • Reply Alicia September 15, 2011 at 2:55 PM

    Oh really?? Haha I don’t envy you being near the mountain in the winter! It is definitely a beautiful campus in the summer, but not so great in the fall. Yea I’ve heard some horror stories about people being stuck up there and trying to walk down!! Yikes.

    The library is definitely nice! I never thought about cookbooks from a library before either, but I’ll probably go more often now for sure. I love having my own cookbook collection too! But this way I can buy the ones I really like.

    Hope your weeks getting better!

  • Reply Simon Rai September 15, 2011 at 5:21 PM

    Can’t wait to go check it out! When I was a kid I used to go to the library all the time, at that time it was an ugly brown building located underneath the skytrain tracks. It’s so nice to see the new building, and it gives that whole area a new sense of life and excitement that I haven’t seen in a while (since the skytrain was built). Anyways, I hope it will be a great place to meet intelligent and like minded people because we don’t have enough of those in Surrey!

  • Reply Reem | Sipmly Reem September 16, 2011 at 9:29 AM

    All the best to you..
    Enjoy your course and above all Have Fun.

  • Reply Alicia September 16, 2011 at 12:18 PM

    Simon: Yes the old one looks quite shabby next to the nice new one! It will be torn down soon I believe. I think it will be quite popular now that it is open.

    Reem: Thanks!! 🙂

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