Breakfast, Clean Eats, Smoothie

Earth Day Green Smoothie

April 22, 2014


green smootie]

Happy Earth Day!

I love a good green smoothie and this is a great go-to recipe for anyone wanting to try one – without being too afraid of the ‘green monster.’

Green smoothies are loaded with leafy greens that are rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Seeing as how it’s earth day, I thought I would share a ‘green’ recipe thats good for your right from mother nature. 

You can experiment with different types of greens including a mix of spinach, kale, swiss chard and even baby bok choy. I buy a pre-packed mix of all of the above greens so I can just grab a handful and go. Other times I’ll use all spinach or a mix of spinach and kale. You can also add in protein powder or other greens. 

The addition of banana sweetens the smoothie naturally without taking away from the nutrition. You only need half a banana to give it that smooth, thick texture and enough sweetness. You really do not taste any of the greens, even when using kale or swiss chard. They have a very mild taste and the banana hides it even more.

So go ahead and ‘indulge’ in a beautifully green and healthy smoothie – They’re great for breakfast, a snack or even post-workout recovery smoothie when you add some protein powder (I like to use a vegan plant based protein because it has no milk ingredients)

Check out my other smoothie recipes, cool as a cucumber and summer citrus smoothie.

green hbhbh

Earth Day Green Smoothie
A powerhouse smoothie filled with leafy greens to give you energy
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  1. Large handful of leafy greens including Swiss Chard, Kale and Spinach
  2. 1/2 green tipped banana
  3. Hunk of cucumber with peel on
  4. Handful of ice cubes
  5. 1/4 cup almond milk
  6. Splash of water
  1. In a high speed blender ( I have a KitchenAid ) add all the ingredients beginning with the ice cubes and liquids then the cucumber, greens and banana.
  2. Blend until frothy and smooth. If you're experiencing trouble (won't blend well) add more liquid like water or almond milk. If you need to, stop the blender completely and mix with long spoon before turning on again.
b a k e a h o l i c

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1 Comment

  • Reply Gluten-Free blender waffles – b a k e a h o l i c March 25, 2015 at 9:57 AM

    […] out the door i’ll take the extra few minutes to make a green smoothie (try this recipe here, here & here). i don’t eat a lot of cereal, and if i do it’s usually […]

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