
freshly baked

October 26, 2017

This cute little lemon loaf is the reason i’ve been m.i.a. 

Our daughter (crazy!!) made her way into our hearts on august 28th. 

We had no idea if baby was going to be a girl or a boy so it was quite the surprise!

It’s been two months now (holy!) – I can’t even believe it’s been that long even as I type it. The first month was a complete blur, and now the second month has moved way too fast. 

All of the stories and things friends tell you about a baby are true – so, so true. Time goes by way too quickly, your whole world changes in an instant and everything is about this new little love. Some days I don’t shower, other days I can’t remember if I’ve eaten anything. We’re definitely getting into a rhythm now as we enter month 3. She’s sleeping well, we have a ‘schedule’ and she has such a little personality. She’s smiling, starting to play and (gasp) trying to Roll Over!! (staahp)

I was 10 days overdue when she came. I went in that morning to be induced – and boy did it work. So much so, that after 30 minutes of the cervadil, contractions started. Only, they didn’t just start – they never. stopped. Usually it takes a day maybe two for the cervadil to work. But for some reason I had a crazy reaction to it and it basically put me into active labour within the hour. Uh – what?!

Yup – contractions every 30-45 seconds, lasting 30-45 seconds. Put it this way, once you’re almost at the end of labour you should have 4-5 contractions every 10 minutes. I was having 6-7 every 10 minutes in the first hour. No breaks. No meds. Not exactly what I expected (but really, no one can plan for birth. what happens, happens.)

After the nurses continued to monitor me, and the contractions wouldn’t stop, they gave me some nitrous oxide to take the ‘edge’ off – but really it just kept your mind off them for a second while still having the full-on pain. This continued for 3-4 hours where I finally couldn’t take it anymore, and me (and baby) were finally ready to be admitted – and ready for the drugs!!

Thankfully I got an epidural right away after I was admitted and it was 1000 x better. I basically slept for the next few hours until it was go-time. 

After an hour and a half of pushing, our little girl was finally here. She was perfect – since she was overdue she wasn’t wrinkly at all, her skin was perfectly smooth – her little face was perfect. I remember all I kept saying over and over was “she’s so perfect!” 

We named her Evelyn, a.k.a. Evie. 7 lbs 12 ounces of sweetness. 

photo: erin ocampo

We’re finding our groove, and I can actually find some time to bake again. She loves playing on her mat, which gives me time to get things done. I’m hoping to return to blogging again regularly-ish. 

I call her my little sweet, or sweetness. I always did have a sweet tooth. 

She’s most certainly the best thing I ever baked. 





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1 Comment

  • Reply Melissa October 29, 2017 at 10:33 AM

    Awe. So cute. Grandma Alice used to call us “my sweet”.

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