
Happy Birthday, Adam.

March 8, 2014



On this day in 1984 a very special person was born. Today is his 30th birthday.

Adam’s new job has his working out of town for two weeks at a time so we’ll be celebrating his birthday separately from afar (a 2-hour time difference.)

You’d never know it to look at him, really, because he looks just the same as he did in high school. It’s not uncommon for him to get ID’d at the liquor store (you have to be 19 in Canada to buy alcohol. He has been legal for 11 years). He was even ID’d at a wine tasting once. With my parents. For real.


from our engagement party

I often (read: regularly) joke about how he’s so old. I’ll say “why are you so old?” We started dating when he was 25, I was 21. I joke that I’m much younger than him (by 4 years), however, since my birthday is in June I say I’m 5 years younger for 4 months, making him really old 😉

But actually it’s good in the long run – he’ll just never age. Take it from his dad who just celebrated his birthday in February and hasn’t aged in years.

We celebrated his birthday early last weekend when he was home with a surprise getaway to Whistler and a small birthday dinner with some family, and of course his birthday pie. 


I obviously had to make a birthday cake for him, even though he isn’t here to enjoy it. I’ll be sure to save some. (I’ll be posting the recipe next week)

I made some festive cake flags with black electrical tape. We have an abundance of electrical tape in the house because I suppose that’s what happens when you live with an electrician. Thus, he gets electrical tape on his birthday cake. 

hgdhcgadams 30

Happy Birthday to my one and only.

You’re so old 😉

Love me & Lainey. 

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  • Reply Josie Penner March 8, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    Aww glad you got to celebrate early with him. He really does have a baby face, lol. Say Happy Birthday to him from us! Cake looks yummy!

  • Reply Nancy @ gottagetbaked March 13, 2014 at 3:30 PM

    Happy belated birthday to Adam, Alicia! I would’ve never known the little black flags were made from electrician’s tape. They’re adorable, and way to be thrifty and practical! Your cake looks delicious, even though he wasn’t there to eat it. I’m sure you enjoyed it thoroughly on his behalf 😉

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