It’s been a hot minute since I last blogged. Or like, a year.
I don’t know how that happened. I feel like I had the best intentions to blog, and even remember taking photos of recipes to blog, but somehow they never made it up. And I know why – because, kids.
Last September I went back to work three days a week, and almost immediately after starting work I was pregnant again. I blame the pregnancy (hello first trimester exhaustion), work, and a one year old to chase after. I didn’t mean to have such a break from blogging, it sort of just happened.
If you follow me on Instagram you’ll see some posts, and recipes in my stories. I’ve definitely been cooking and baking (someone has to) – just haven’t been able to document it quite as well as I used to. I’m itching for a new camera and maybe on this maternity leave I’ll have the time (Ha) and energy (ha-ha!) to bake and blog again. I’d like to – don’t get me wrong, but with the little free time I have there is always something to be done (laundry, dishes, shower (maybe), eat (maybe), clean, laundry, laundry – oh, did I mention laundry??)

After 9 months, a week late, and so fast she didn’t give me a chance for the drugs (OW) – we gave birth to another baby girl – it was a surprise!
We named her Scarlett June (born June 30). I was secretly hoping if it were a girl, I would use June as her middle name. At one point I thought I was going to have a July 4th baby (the day I would have been induced). Thankfully she arrived just in time. We only had one girl name chosen, Scarlett, and when I saw her red hair I knew that was it. She is a fiery little red head with fair skin. She’s the complete opposite of Evelyn (dark hair, olive skin). She is the sweetest, chubbiest, happiest (when not crying ha) baby. My mom lovingly calls her a little Beluga – yes, the big white whale. And she has stolen everyones heart in the 3.5 months she’s been with us.

I’m still baking in the kitchen, with a tiny little sous-chef who likes to taste-test the chocolate chips (“more, mama? All of them?”), and loves measuring the ingredients. Maybe I’ll get a recipe or two up one day soon!
Thanks to my childhood friend, turned photographer for taking some photos for us @JalenLainePhotography