For the Victoria Day long weekend Adam and I headed out of town. Adam had finished writing his final provincial exam for his second degree, Electrical, Friday morning and we left just after one for the lake. Adam had taken his third and fourth year back to back, basically one regular semester for university, except he had an extra month of school once I was finished my final semester. As usual, he did awesome. It’s really no surprise anymore 😉 finishing with 93% overall. So, I figured he would need a nice relaxing break before getting back to the grind on Tuesday morning. He came home his first day back at work with black hands. I did not miss the dirty-ness that comes with his job 😉 But I think he is happy to once again trade his pencil for his tools. Luckily we have access to the family condo on the lake, it was wonderful.
In other news, my poor MacBook has died. Sort of, it needs a new hard drive, and a battery which has been dead forever. Yay. So I’m writing this on Adam’s laptop, which I hate. Sorry, but Mac for life. Can’t stand his Dell, and it’s probably taken me an hour to write this post, and insert / re-size the images. Thankfully my Mac should be up and running soon, and I’ll be back in action! With, a delicious muffin recipe.
Here’s some snippets of our long weekend getaway to Osoyoos Lake.
These delicious muffins were the result of over ripe bananas. Perfect for a road trip! Recipe up tomorrow… =)
How was your long weekend? What did you get up to?
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[…] It seems like May literally flew by. I can’t even remember what has happened this month. A long weekend getaway, we listed our house, I’ve been out of school for about a month now. Maybe the fact that I […]