Life, Loaf

‘Tis The Season

December 11, 2012

‘Tis the Season for…


Sickness – cold/flu?




The Christmas season is a time when many things seem to occur like clock work. Everybody gets sick at the same time, every student is stressing over finals and end projects, and in the midst of it all we are all hoping and praying for a miracle during this holly jolly season of ‘anything is possible’

I can say this past week I have been beyond stressed. Adam and I are now officially moved into our new house as of Saturday night, after many back and forth trips, that also included returning our couch that was deemed too small for the space. Adam’s brother in law has been quite sick the past two weeks and still struggling with a flu type sickness, and last week began what I dub the week of no eating and no sleeping. I am officially finished this semester of the PDP teaching program and passed my final and practicum, and this last week was a wind-down week of bringing together the loose ends and preparing to gear up for the long practicum beginning in January. Now, it wasn’t exactly a stressful week in terms of school but in terms of my personal life it was quite a difficult week.

They say moving is one of the hardest, most stressful thing you can go through in life.

As I googled “moving is stressful” the top site hits were:

Moving house is one of the most stressful experiences you’ll have” – Where one man said he had moved 26 times and finds it hard to believe it is stressful – an answer to which one man replied “Is your house a caravan?” Well noted.

As well as “Moving is the third most stressful event in life, following death and divorce.” This I can agree with because I have already experienced two of the three (no divorce here). Funny how life goes, as this week as we were moving in I also had a shockingly stressful week because of a terrible loss in my extended family. While I still believe Miracles may happen, this season our family was not afforded a Miracle. I won’t go into the details, but just want to remind everyone what this Season is truly about – Family and Friends and gathering together to celebrate in whichever way this may be for you and yours.

Embrace the joy of being with Family and Friends as often as possible. Don’t let the small things get to you (as my mom and Adam are constant reminders to me.) I am terrible at thinking of every small thing at once and turning it into a large thing to focus on.

‘Tis the Season for miracles if you are lucky enough to experience one.

I am constantly reminded how many days there are until Christmas through e-mail reminders, and how many short days there are left to buy presents. Just a reminder that presents aren’t everything. Just being Present in your families life is a large enough gift.

I also missed out on my last day for the semester with my PDP family and our get together, for which I optimistically baked this loaf for. Baking and cooking are a huge stress reliever for me. I think due to the whole not eating/not sleeping properly last week my stomach has taken quite a beating with the stress and is now taking it out on me. It’s been in knots, quivering, and nauseous the past few days and kept me at home. I made some chicken soup with rice for dinner, and enjoyed a bowl for breakfast as well. Instead of sharing this loaf with my school family, I’ll share it with Adam and his co-workers this week.

Lainey did her job as a therapy dog (her original purpose), and kept me company while I wasn’t feeling well

Cranberry Orange Loaf

Recipe adapted from: Just a Taste
Joy of Baking


1 large egg, well beaten
3/4 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
4 Tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 cup fresh cranberries, rinsed and thoroughly dried
1 Tablespoon turbinado sugar (optional)


Preheat oven to 350ºF. Grease a 9×5-inch loaf pan with butter or cooking spray.

In a small bowl, combine the beaten egg with the orange juice and vanilla extract.

In stand mixer with paddle attachment, mix together the flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda. Add the pieces of butter to the flour, blending the ingredients together until butter/flour resemble pea sized pieces.

Add wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and then stir in the cranberries. Pour the batter (will be thick) into the prepared loaf pan and sprinkle the top with the Turbinado sugar (optional).

Bake the bread for 50 or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean, may add additional 10 mins to cooking if needed.

Let the bread cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.

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  • Reply Hinna December 12, 2012 at 1:51 PM

    Moving = stress!! I had to wrap up my apartment a few weeks back (with a 2 month old). Let me tell you- it was NOT FUN!! Now the unpacking, sorting, purging, storing begins (now with a 3 month old).

    All the best to you and your family.

    btw..I think I will be making this loaf because it looks delicious!

    • Reply Alicia December 12, 2012 at 4:18 PM

      Yes! Definitely super stressful, especially with little ones!! At least when it’s all adults they can help 😉 Definitely unpacking, sorting and purging too! lol not sure how all our crap fit into our last condo, because we have a townhouse now and its still a lot! haha. The loaf is delicious! Adam has eaten an entire half himself =)

  • Reply Fruit & Nut Bark » Bakeaholic December 18, 2012 at 10:57 PM

    […] I had even more people to bake for, including his sister and brother in law that came over often. I find baking and cooking to be quite joyful and soothing. Even more so during this time of year. It’s sort of old fashioned, but I love bringing people […]

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