We have been under a blanket of fog here in Vancouver for the past two weeks. Every morning I wake up, drive out of the garage and into the haze. It’s thick and grey and makes it impossible to see 5-feet in front of you. It also makes it hard for other cars to see you.
This past week I have had two after school meetings, meaning I also drive home in the fog 12 hours after I left the house in it. We live on a mountain/high point so the fog is worse in the valley then slowly subsides as you gain altitude.
Weekends are made for sleeping in and waking up after the fog has lifted. The last week it hasn’t lifted until quite late in the afternoon, when the sun is almost ready to go down again.
It’s the last weekend before Hallowe’en – I’m happy to say our large bag of halloween candy is still unopened, and the other small bags have not been compromised. The CRUNCH bag however has been devoured by one tall, thin gangly man. How he never gains a pound is beyond me. He could eat CRUNCH bars for days and actually lose weight. Believe me – I’ve seen it happen.
Weekends are also meant for baking, and eating said baked goods for breakfast. I won’t admit to how many of these mini-muffins I’ve eaten for breakfast, because like 4 or 5 equals one whole muffin – right?
Plus, they have oats on top. Oats are healthy, and a breakfast food. Win.
I’ve made these both as regular muffins and mini-muffins. The large will yield 12 muffins and the mini yields 24. I’ve also made them gluten/wheat free, recipe found here.

- ¼ cup Butter
- ½ cup Organic Cane Sugar
- ¼ cup Dark Brown Sugar
- ⅔ cup Pumpkin Puree
- ½ cup Almond Milk / Coconut Milk
- 2 Eggs
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons Molasses
- 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour (or Gluten free flour alternative)
- 2-3 tsp. Pumpkin Spice
- 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
- ½ teaspoons Baking Powder
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- Cream together butter and sugars until creamy.
- Beat in pumpkin, almond milk, eggs and molasses.
- Combine the dry ingredients in a small bowl with a whisk and mix into the batter.
- Stir just until combined.
- Fill greased mini-muffin tin (I use coconut oil spray)
- Combine 2-3 Tbs. rolled oats, a dash of cinnamon and 1 Tbs. melted butter - toss to mix. Sprinkle on top of muffins.
- Bake for 15-20 minutes, until toothpick inserted in centre come out clean.
1 Comment
Always a pleasure to come across another Canadian blogger doing great work. Love the pictures!